PoE: Can GGG Make Unique Maps Way More Common?

In Path of Exile, running unique maps is one of my favorite things, but it is basically impossible to find them yourself. Running these awesome maps should be a pleasure and not the chore of having to buy them off PoE trade, then get a full group together to split the cost, and then having to deal with 5 people spamming skills so you can't even see the screen.

In my ideal PoE, a unique map would drop about once every 4 or so regular maps. They should be common enough that players shouldn't feel like they are wasting money to just open them solo and have fun.

I also shouldn't feel like running a unique map a second time for fun is that much of a waste of money. The only exceptions to this should obviously be those few unique maps with insane value from the end boss, like the div card map, that would destroy the economy if they were super common.

One player think that nerfing the unique map card wasn't the right move, its already weighted and lots of them ultimately don't get completed anyway. But having goals to go for, aside from playing other builds should be something people should be able to do, no reason why everyone needs geared up well enough to kill shaper week 1 of the league.

And one think that because buying stuff off of poe.trade is the worst part of this game and it is not worth the aggravation to have to buy a unique map just to run it. Most of the uniques maps have zero good rewards, so it isn't worth the time and frustration to try and buy them, but if they dropped a lot more often you could just run them by yourself when they dropped.

Why would anyone want to spend several minutes whispering people that don't respond and then another minute actually trading with someone in order to buy a map that finishes in less time than it took to buy it in the first place? No one. The answer is no one. It's not about getting handed stuff like a headhunter, it is about wanting to play these interesting maps more often and having more fun.

What's your opinion? 

Do You Have Enough Path Of Exile Currency?

Path of Exile, also known as PoE, is an online action role-playing game developed by Grinding Gear Games in 2013. That said the game currency which is most popularly referred to as currency is a prized possession. However, how to maximise your PoE orbs collecting? The following tips you should view seriously.

You should to equip stronger gear at any time in any RPG; Bear in mind that boosting your orb drop rates. The caliber of gear you should be aiming for is the highest quality and rarity you can find. The higher rarity, the more you'll be able to find. Because rarity positively influences drop rates.

IIQ (Increased Item Quantity) and IIR (Increased Item Rarity) are modifications (or mods) you can find on certain items that will help you progress further along the line in your orb farming endeavours. If you're looking for increased quantity, items such as Eber's Key will grant you a 5% bonus to the amount of items you find in that area. Make the most of these mods to ensure that you get as many orbs as possible.

The more mobs you can kill at once, the better chances you have of getting the items drop you're after. Therefore you should concentrate on high-damage skills and area-of-effect (AoE) skills to maximise your damage output and ensure you get your kills. Be careful not to become overrun with too many mobs during this stage. If your Defense is not up to par, you will be knocked out and this will set you back in your farming journey.

There exists a currency penalty in all PoE zones based on your character's level. If you have a level difference greater than 2 from the level of the area, you receive a penalty of 2.5% for every level after 2. You should take note that the penalty does not carry on in zones higher than level 66. In a level 72 character in a 60 zone will therefore only receive a 10% penalty, the same as a level 66 character.

If you find yourself needing more orbs during the game, but unfortunately you do not have any time, then U4GM will be a good choose for you.

It can be tempting to give up when farming orbs. However, in an ARPG that is completely randomly generated, sometimes you won't always get what you need. Stay patient and take breaks when you need to; not everything is about the game.

Are You Satisfied With Path Of Exile Prophecies

In Path of Exile, many collectors of poe currency have all seen the reddit posts or maybe even had the "luxury" of encoutering a prophecy scammer. There are just so many prophecies and most of them are so vague that they require a wiki check to see whether they are even worth taking the time to go back to act N to do it, or open a certain map somehow.

I have gone through the prophecies and made a list of what I see as the worst of the worst and put an "X" next to those I personally encountered (nothing special about me, just some flavour):

Living Fires, Fallow at Last, Path of Betrayal, The Forgotten Soldiers, The Child of Lunaris, The Forgotten Garrison, The Stockkeeper X, Unnatural Energy X, Holding the Bridge, In the Grasp of Corruption, Defiled in the Sceptre, Vaal Invasion, Visions of the Drowned X too many god dama times, Undead Uprising, Brothers in Arms.

Certain prophecies such as Hidden Vaal Pathways and Rebirth I didn't mention because I feel like they have some sort of utility because the first one provides a guaranteed reward in the end of the vaal zone and the second one (and other 10+ similar ones - either spawning a mob or a pack) may spawn in maps, effectively increasing monster quota / pack size.

What my problem with these prophecies is that they have the specific cancer trio of the trash prophecy: requires backtracking in a previous act, generates (a) weak area-leveled mob(s), provides no guaranteed drop (no matter how trash it would be), here are a few suggestions that could improve them:

1. Delete them straight up: Would result in lost content, although there are quite a few disabled/removed prophecies such as The Emperor's Trove which actually had great impacts.

2. Make the enemies your level when you get the prophecy (if you seek it at lvl 80, mobs are lvl 80 no matter the map level) and drop more and rarer poe items of your level.

3. Rework them in order to be map-viable. Maybe Brutus and Kole from the Brothers in Arms prophecy spawn in the Dungeon map (example). It makes sense!

Some prophecies are very bad and are decreasing our chances of getting any of the legit expensive/good prophecies. Suggestions presented just above the conclusion. How many of these "bad" prophecies did you get?

Are You Satisfied With Item Rewards Of PoE Bestiary League

In Path of Exile, with players being so upset about the current league and the rewards from the beasts I want to address an issue PoE is currently facing. There is too low variety in desirable mods.

In fact, this issue is result of primarily three design/implementation choices: Multiple items need resists and higher resists enable the use of more uniques; Bosses have so much damage, (effective) life is needed on every item; Most builds scale using the same mods (e.g. local phys dmg, spell dmg, attack speed).

If GGG wants to avoid early saturation of the item market with powerful rares while still offering interesting (league) rewards, the variety of desirable mods has to drastically increase soon. This also enables targeted crafting. Here are some suggestions to achieve higher mod variety:

1. Make a new slot (not prefix, not suffix) for effects of socketed gems (e.g. additional quality, increased rarity of items dropped by socketed skills, reduced/0 mana costs).

2. Make some mechanics unavailable until an item has a specific mod (e.g. 0 base curse limit and +1 max curse on gloves mod; leech cap of 5%, 5% mod on each slot).

3. Buff underused mods (e.g. life gain on hit).

4. Introduce a new layer of defense complementing the current fist layer (armour, evasion, ES).

5. Introduce mods that make the item significantly more powerful in upcoming (tough) content (like the implicit on breach rings).

6. Reduce elemental damage and the elemental resistance cap. Create a choice between first layer defense (armour, evasion, ES) and max res.

7. Remove the generic and semi-generic (e.g. spell, local phys) damage mods and introduce more specific ones (e.g. DoT, Totem, Projectile, Melee, against monsters w/o ES).

GGG has tried to create more mods on essences and Shaper/Elder items. Unfortunately, these items are too scarce to actually have an impact on the game experience of most players. What about you? Do you have any suggestions on future item rewards?

The Most Important 11 Tips For The PoE New Player

When I first played Path of Exile, I was very confused, I do not know how to start the game. I read a lot of guides, but still confused. I think for many collectors of poe currency, it is important to know how to start their first steps in game. I hope the following guide will help you.

1. Use the help panel: This is a new feature that you can find on the lower right next to the shop button, and should be helpful with many different aspects of the game.

2. Learn recipes: Path of Exile offers an extensive recipe system which you can use for your advantage - if you know all the good recipes.

3. Level your masters: Elreon, Haku and Catarina can all substantially help you while gearing. Zana is very helpful once you hit endgame maps and should have a fixed spot in your hideout.

4. Make use of crafting benches: After having unlocked masters by leveling them up once, you gain access to their crafting bench which you can place into your hideout.

5. Use an item filter: You can find most relevant filters including a preview of each at Filterblast. Neversinks is the most popular choice and can be easily customized at FilterBlade.

6. Create a shop: Setting up a shop with Acquisition or through Premium Stash Tabs will help you selling stuff to buy upgrades for yourself. This guide can help you to find out what is valuable.

7. Don't use the trade macro: It's a helpful pricechecking tool and I don't want to discredit it, but is has a huge flaw: it can't take specific conditions into account, which may rapidly increase the value of an item. Some people shamelessly exploit this and will snatch any mispriced items, just to resell them for their actual value. Better check prices manually if you're unsure.

8. Level gems: Make use of your secondary weapon slot to level a few copies of Arc and Storm Call, or other popular gems to vaal or sell. Even if technically not active, these gems will gain experience.

9. Additional Guides: Engineering Eternity and Huizui are Youtube channels with video guides explaining different mechanics that are worth checking out!

10. Don't give up: Path of Exile can be very harsh, even for people with experience in ARPG's. So don't give up if something seems too difficult or you made some mistakes, and rather try to learn from the situation.

11. Have Fun: While Path of Exile has an overall great community, there are always some black sheep around. But seriously, screw all that. Having fun is all that should matter to you in a videogame, so play what and how you want, not how someone else wants you to!

It's good for you to spend 10 minutes looking carefully at the 11 tips above. There's a lot more players guide on U4GM, so be sure to check out if you need some guides. Keeping an eye on poe buy chaos, you will get more gains.

Can We Still Getting Skill Buffs In Path Of Exile

I have been playing Path of Exile for some time and I really like this game. I know that the ascendancys revamps/reworks are great but I am feeling like for 3.2 there won't be any and that it will come at a later patch etc. Anyone else feeling the same? I read some other opinions for collectors of path of exile currency.

One player said that fun fact Mathil's GH build had 1 Abyss jewel GH does not in any way require Abyss jewels, all you need to do to understand that is look at its damage effectivness at level 20. AC makes it feel a ton nicer but it never lacked for damage, the only thing wrong with it was public perception of it along with being namelock. The Threshold jewels with AC put it in as good a place if not better than IB it just took Mathil using it to strip away the public perception.

And one said that Problem with arc is that it requires too much to be viable and if you invest same currency into other skill it would become 1000x better either as single target or as clearing skill. Inpulsa helped, but it restricts your chest slot and having flame surge as st means that it's best to go inq due to scaling multiple elements. This makes arc as a skill in a weird spot.

One player said that Raider will still be popular, especially with the permanent onslaught A.K.A easy capped evasion. Pathfinder gonna take a huge hit as the class is really not league starter friendly in anyway. It's need big investment to be great, but it's still scale well with money. Berserker is dead tho. Trickster is better.

The only buff im waiting for is for Dominating Blow. I have tried many many times to make it work but every time it seems like GGG just forgot the skill existed. In breach league all was well until I went into my first breach, only to realize that breach minions can not be converted. In 3.0 I tried again only to learn that all your converted minions don't follow you into boss rooms so scrapped it once again. In harbinger I did another dom blow but once again "summoned" aka harbinger minions cannot be converted. will come true. Keeping an eye on poe currency buy, you will get more gains.

Do PoE Bow Users Have Mobility Skills

In Path of Exile, a monster's proximity is quite limited when against bow users, as they might already took a lot of damage before closing the gap of distance between the bow user and monster. Do bow users need a mobility skill like flame dash?

Some collectors of path of exile currency argue about bow users deserve a mobility skill. Probably these are still having a hard time despite of their range capabilities. Or not utilizing the mechanics of range attacks.

In fact, having range at a class' disposal is a huge advantage. A class with this capability has the upper hand against other classes in terms of leveling and money making. However, a good position is required to utilize “the range” efficiently, which most bow users are lacking.

The fog in path of exile's dungeon is the main hindrance and the source of difficulty to use range efficiently. By the time bow users encounter a monster, the monster is only a few gaps away, which is pretty hard for some bow users. Countering the monster's proximity needs a lot of practice to counter. It's where the thrill as a bow user comes from. As a bow user, it's not all about playing it safe, sometimes a bow user is much more risky class than a melee class. Melee classes have shields and an enormous amount of health points, not to mention some melee classes are capable of using mobility skill.

Bow users already have an advantage through using distance – Kiting. Through this strategy it makes bow users a versatile without mobility skill. Adding mobility skill for bow users would make them unreachable.

It is famous strategy for bow users, also works pretty well in every situation. Kiting uses the principle of using crowd control: slow, stun, and etc. It works like: Hit, use crowd control, run and repeat.

There's a lot more players guide on U4GM, so be sure to check out if you need some guides. Keeping an eye on poe buy items, you will get more gains.